Why must Sunday mornings be so difficult?

Can we talk Sundays? Why, why must they be so hard? We got up at 8:30 which gives us plenty of time to get to church by 11 (so you would think.) I cooked breakfast, gave the girls a bath, ironed their dresses, got their clothes and shoes on (don’t even get me started on the fight about shoes), and fixed their hair. Now at this point it’s 10:30, so that means Mama has 30 minutes to shower and get myself out the door.

My husband has eaten his breakfast, showered, ironed his shirt, and gotten himself dressed. Oh and had enough time to get in a guitar lesson. (Insert eye roll here!)

As we’re headed out the door I realized my youngest has relieved herself of her drawls! (That’s Southern talk for panties.) So now the 10 minute struggle over why we have to wear underwear has begun. Why must we have this fight Every.Single.Day??

And can I please get a picture?!? All this mama wants is a picture of my two beautiful girls. Can we please take ONE picture where you are both looking and smiling at the same time??? Oh no! Not possible!

“The suns in my eyes!”
“Ella’s touching me!”
“I want a picture by myself!”
“I want to stand over here!”
“I not want picture!”

All the while, my husband is screaming from the truck, “Let’s go! Why are we always late for church?” Really honey?

Now you won’t see me in any picture on Sunday morning, because my hair is soaking wet considering I got out of the shower 7 mins ago, no makeup on, my legs haven’t been shaved since March and I’m wearing a dress that looks like I pulled it out from the bottom of the hamper! Mamas, you know what I’m talking about!

Despite my husband’s constant reminder that “our timeline is off” we make it to church on time. After carting my youngest across 2 miles, 6 hugs and 4 kisses each, we leave the girls in the nursery and head into church. At this point I am out of breath and I’m sweating. Is it hot in here?

Toward the end of the service the kids come in to participate in communion. Lord the anxiety of what will happen on “The Ella Show” today. Well this morning she beelines it down the isle and nearly takes out an elderly man with a cane! As the rector is blessing the girls during communion I’m thinking to myself, Dear God remove this toddler demon from this child.

Oh Sunday’s…the day of #familyfunday, #sundayfunday, and #relaxsunday is more like #crazytowncomesalive at our house! So now we’re home and time to clean up, do laundry and get ready to do the week all over again! Come back again next Sunday and see what we are up too. #mayhem I’m sure!!

Emily Hunt

Emily is the founder and owner of Magnolia Moms. She and her husband Chris live in Madison, MS with their two little girls, Lila and Ella. Emily works full time in the Financial Services industry where she is driven by her passion to help women become more financially stable. She is an avid Mississippi State fan and can be found most weekends watching the Dawgs! She loves wine and unsweetened tea and could eat chips and salsa for most meals. Most importantly she loves sharing her stories and thoughts with all the fantastic Magnolia Moms readers.

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