Blooming at His Own Pace: Understanding Children with Autism

As we approach Springtime and the different trees blossom, I am reminded of all the differences that fill this world. We humans are very much like trees. We all have different roots, branches, and leaves. It is our responsibility to share and grow, as we encounter all the different varieties of trees in this world. Not one child will be the same, but we all need the same essential ingredient in order to survive.

My child has Autism. I want to share what it’s like understanding children with autism.

The roots are visible.

He reminds me of a Cypress Tree, because I get to see his roots most of the time. He is very strong like a Cypress. Sometimes he will have so much joy that it will flow upwards like the roots of a Cypress. He will feel the need to jump. He can jump so high. We get to see that emotion and experience it with him. Others who are not comfortable with this type of growth might stare. That’s okay, it’s truly no big deal. Don’t hold back, and please ask questions.

However, when you stare at my child’s roots, remember to smile. Please celebrate life with him.

mom and autistic son on stairs laughing

Some branches grow toward the sun.

Understand that many branches will grow up toward the sunlight. However, some may grow sideways in search of sunlight. We all grow and learn differently in this world. If you see my child trying to get out of sunlight, then maybe the sun is too bright. Your branches might provide shade until he is ready for the sun. He just needs time to flourish. When he is ready, please be gentle with him, and share what you have found. They have roots that are growing at the same pace as those branches. So be patient; and let the roots get strong, as the branches search for the sun.

Leaves need shade please.

Our trees need strong roots and branches to produce beautiful leaves. My child’s leaves are sometimes slow to bloom; because he prefers the shade to the sunlight. I am okay with this growth. My child will be very strong because we are allowing his roots to grow at his own pace. I do not want to overwater his roots, or move him into the sunlight before he is ready. I am afraid if I did this, he would not have any leaves for the year. He might even stop growing and require more help. So growing slow is a good thing. He will produce beautiful leaves when he is ready.

Spring brings new growth.

Spring time is always a great time of year. The weather is beautiful and people seem to be more joyous and kind this time of year. My desire is for people to be kind and gentle all year long. Especially to the children with autism that are moving at their own pace. We do not want to rush these children or make them conform.

child with autism on police barrier waiting on parade

We should embrace their roots and celebrate life with them as they too grow beautiful leaves.

This perspective has helped me gain a wonderful insight into the mind of my child with high functioning autism. I pray it helps others understand why he might experience life the way he does. We can learn how to approach life just by observing nature. It creates a better understanding on how we can all grow together in an environment where everyone is unique. Let’s be kind all year long!

To learn more about understanding children with autism please visit To read more about motherhood, be sure to see the other articles on our site that may interest you.

Jessie Trichell

Jessie Trichell grew up in College Station, TX and ended up in West Monroe, Louisiana where she met her husband, Toby. When they got married Jessie became a step mom to Tyler and Kady. Toby and Jessie added three more boys to the family. They now reside in Madison, MS. The Trichell boys keep Jessie on her toes. Her boys are Eli (6), Carson (5), and Owen (3). Jessie is a SAHM and homeschools all of her boys. She made the decision to homeschool because her oldest son was diagnosed with Apraxia at 3 years old and Carson, age 5, has high functioning Autism and Apraxia. Jessie also served as a labor and birth doula in Monroe, LA. Jessie's interests are writing, audilble books, gardening, family, netflix, walking, traveling, cooking, and wine. Also, she is passionate about advocating for apraxia, birth options, and suicide awareness. You can find out more about Jessie's work as a doula at Also follow Jessie on Instagram at momentsbayou or join Jessie's group @momentsbayou.