Happy Father’s Day, Daddy

November 24 this year, would be my parents 42nd wedding anniversary, but this past February marked the 5 year anniversary that he’s been gone.  This weekend is hard for so many people…

Mother Nature didn’t come Gradually

I am a nearly 37 year old mother of 2 beautiful blessings.  I try to remind myself daily of that, especially when they’ve called my name for the umpteenth time!  Generally speaking,…

Battling the “Mean Girls”

I have never been one easily affected by popularity or being in the “in-crowd”. Sure I’d feel a little left out but it wouldn’t bother me enough to lose sleep over it.…

8 Boredom Fighting Fun in the Sun Activities

I don’t know about you, but I am so happy that summer is finally here! I gladly welcome a reprieve from the crack-of-dawn school drop off traffic, homework, and endless after school…

The Tree

I’m not sure if it’s coincidence or a sign from a higher power, but I keep running across articles and podcasts that mention how spending time outside, even if it’s just for…