Eliminate Feeling Overwhelmed, Stressed and Anxious

Multitasking is not always a good thing! Many of us feel overwhelmed by all we need to do and it causes anxiety.

I’d like to share three ways to overcome being overwhelmed. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, stressed or anxious, try this:

1. Deal with Uncertainty.

When you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed, it comes from a feeling of uncertainty. We don’t know how things will work out, we worry that we can’t do it all, we don’t know how we’re going to do with any of it, we’re uncertain that we’re good enough to handle all of this. Uncertainty. Our minds don’t like that feeling, and we want stability. Unfortunately life never gives us that reassuring certainty. So we’re always running, always trying to cope with the uncertainty by doing as much as we can, making lists, finding the perfect software or system, running to distractions. Instead, we can train our minds to stay with the uncertainty, and gradually become more comfortable in this feeling. And then we can be at peace in the middle of chaos.


2. Let It Go.

When we’re stressed out, it’s because we’re attached to something, attached to doing everything, attached to how people see us, attached to meeting a goal or deadline, attached to our self-image. What if we could let go of these attachments, and just be in the moment? Things would suddenly become easier. Luckily letting go is something we can do.


3. Do One Thing At A Time.

We are stressed and overwhelmed because we’re thinking about our uncertain future, but what if we learn to trust the present moment? Just fully be present in the activity you’re doing, just one activity. Just answer this single email. Just wash this one dish. Be more single focused and stop multi-tasking.


It takes only a minute to practice these tips, but eventually you will begin to trust yourself and experience less stress.

Renée Ory

Renée Ory is the owner of Amazing Spaces located in Lafayette, LA. Amazing Spaces is a professional organizing + design company founded in 2003. Its mission is to help others organize, declutter and design their space to make time for what truly matters.

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