Saying “I do”…again

We recently took our annual pilgrimage to 30a, otherwise known as, Seaside or Rosemary Beach area, where the sand is sugar white and the water is supposed to be great. I don’t get in it because I prefer to just hold up the scenery! This year was different from most of the others, because this time my husband and I renewed our vows with our kids, my mom and her husband, my sister and her kids, and my in laws.

The husband and I felt like our kids needed to see we still choose each other, even after 15 years! We also had someone there to photograph the event, but don’t worry, I didn’t wear white this time! We also decided that we would take an adults only getaway and leave the kids to enjoy the beach with the grandparents, aunts and uncles that came later in the week.

My husband, Josh, and I travel a far amount but usually we’ve got our kids or work people with us. We realized we haven’t really been alone in 5 years! Sure grandparents have kept them overnight every now again but when we’re home and kidless all the adult things still have to get done.

You know all those things like mowing the yard, climbing mounds of laundry, washing dishes, sweeping floors and on and on. There’s always something staring us in the face that needs to get done that prevents us from enjoying our kid-free time.

This trip however, was very different. I booked us a villa in St. John with a pool, that was probably too big for just the 2 of us but it was even more fabulous than the pictures. We rented a Jeep because nothing says late for supper like a taxi driver on island time! I even remembered to book us a day on a boat that took us to the British Virgin Islands where the Painkillers, banana benders and bushwhackers were free flowing & we weren’t in charge.

We ate dinner when we wanted in restaurants that didn’t have a play place, and I wasn’t getting up to take people to the potty. We talked and laughed until our cheeks hurt. After all of the stresses of life were melted away, I remembered why I married him all those years ago.

He’s funny. I enjoyed getting to know him again.

I loved having no cell phone service, eating at little places not many tourists knew about, and getting lost on our little island with him.

If its been a while since you took a trip with your spouse, I encourage you to go somewhere, even if it’s just a hotel stay in town… do it! Relearn your spouse. Ask what their dreams are, where they want to be in 5 years or keep it simple and ask where they want to go for dinner! Marriage is hard but if you put in the work, remind yourself why you got married to one another. Laugh until it hurts, talk until your voice is gone and don’t be afraid to get lost.

Peggy Davis

Peggy Davis is the owner of M Squared Personal Assisting. She has been married to her husband for 14 years. They have a 10 year old daughter and nearly 7 year old son. Peggy works to keep everyone’s schedules, while managing to run her own business. She loves to vacation with the family. She also enjoys shopping and frequently uses the “I’ve had this!” line when hubby asks.

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